By | October 6, 2023

Understanding Puppy Teething

The Teething Timeline

Puppy teething is a natural and necessary process as they transition from baby teeth to adult teeth. Understanding the timeline of this phase can help you better manage it:


Start of Teething: Puppies typically begin teething at around 3 to 4 months of age. At this point, their baby teeth, also known as deciduous teeth, start to loosen and fall out.

Eruption of Adult Teeth: As the baby teeth fall out, the adult teeth start to erupt. This process continues until the puppy is about 6 months old. By the end of this period, your puppy should have a full set of adult teeth.

Teething Discomfort: During the teething process, your puppy’s gums may become swollen and sore. This discomfort is what drives them to chew on objects to relieve the pressure.

Variability: Keep in mind that the timing of teething can vary from one puppy to another. Some puppies may start earlier or later, and the speed at which they shed their baby teeth and grow adult teeth can also differ.

Signs and Symptoms of Teething

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of teething in your puppy is essential for providing appropriate care and comfort:

Excessive Chewing: One of the most common signs is increased chewing behavior. Your puppy may chew on anything within reach, from toys to furniture.

Drooling: Teething puppies often drool more than usual due to the irritation in their mouths.

Swollen Gums: You may notice that your puppy’s gums are red, swollen, and sensitive to touch. This is a clear indication of teething discomfort.

Loss of Baby Teeth: Keep an eye out for baby teeth that fall out. You may find them in your puppy’s play area or discover them in their food or water bowls.

Appetite Changes: Teething can sometimes cause a temporary decrease in appetite as chewing and eating may be uncomfortable for your puppy.

Irritability: Teething discomfort can make puppies irritable and more prone to whining or fussiness.

The Science Behind Teething in Puppies

Understanding the scientific aspects of puppy teething can provide insights into why this phase is crucial and how it works:

Tooth Eruption Process: The teething process involves the gradual eruption of adult teeth from the puppy’s jawbone. The roots of the baby teeth dissolve, allowing them to fall out and make room for the adult teeth.

Chewing Instinct: Chewing is a natural instinct for puppies during teething. It serves the dual purpose of alleviating discomfort and aiding in the shedding of baby teeth.

Importance of Adult Teeth: Adult teeth are stronger and more durable than baby teeth, allowing your puppy to better handle solid food and engage in various activities.

Oral Development: Proper teething and oral development are crucial for your puppy’s overall health and well-being. Ignoring teething issues can lead to oral health problems later in life.

Variability Among Breeds: Different dog breeds may experience teething at slightly different rates and may exhibit unique behaviors during this phase.

The Consequences of Ignoring Teething

Damage to shoes and furniture

Puppies, like human infants, have an innate need to explore the world around them using their mouths. During the teething phase, their gums become sore and itchy as their baby teeth loosen and their adult teeth begin to erupt. To alleviate this discomfort, puppies often turn to chewing on anything they can find, including your favorite shoes and cherished furniture. Here’s a closer look at the potential consequences of ignoring this behavior:

Ruined Belongings: Teething puppies have sharp little teeth that can easily puncture and shred shoes, upholstery, and wooden furniture. Ignoring this behavior can result in irreparable damage and costly replacements.

Emotional Attachment: Many people have sentimental attachments to their belongings, and the loss of a cherished item can lead to emotional distress. Ignoring teething-related destruction can lead to unnecessary heartache.

Continued Bad Habits: Puppies are quick learners, and if they discover that chewing on your possessions brings relief to their teething discomfort, they may continue these destructive habits even after the teething phase ends.

Safety Hazards: Ingesting pieces of chewed-up shoes or furniture can pose serious health risks to your puppy. Swallowed foreign objects can lead to choking, intestinal blockages, or other health issues that may require emergency veterinary care.

Financial Costs: Replacing damaged items can become expensive. Ignoring teething-related damage may result in a significant financial burden.

Potential health concerns for your puppy

While the destruction of your personal items is a concern, the health and well-being of your puppy should be the top priority. Ignoring teething-related issues can lead to various health concerns for your furry friend:

Infections: As baby teeth fall out and adult teeth erupt, there may be open wounds or sore spots in your puppy’s mouth. Ignoring these issues can increase the risk of infections.

Oral Discomfort: Teething puppies often experience significant oral discomfort. This discomfort can affect their appetite and overall demeanor. Ignoring their discomfort may lead to prolonged suffering.

Behavioral Changes: Unaddressed teething problems can result in behavioral changes. A puppy in pain may become irritable, anxious, or even aggressive.

Lack of Socialization: Teething discomfort can hinder a puppy’s ability to socialize with other dogs and humans. Ignoring their discomfort may hinder their social development.

Behavioral issues

The consequences of ignoring teething go beyond physical damage and health concerns. Behavioral issues can arise and persist if teething-related problems are not addressed:

Destructive Chewing Habits: Ignoring a puppy’s teething phase can reinforce destructive chewing habits. They may continue to chew on inappropriate items, even after teething ends.

Anxiety and Stress: A teething puppy in pain can experience heightened levels of anxiety and stress. This emotional distress can have long-term effects on their behavior and well-being.

Difficulty in Training: An uncomfortable puppy is less likely to respond to training commands and may have difficulty learning appropriate behaviors.

Trust Issues: If a puppy’s needs, including teething discomfort, are consistently ignored, it can lead to trust issues between the puppy and its owner.

READ ALSO: Dog Training: A Comprehensive Guide to Training Your Canine Companion

Teething Solutions and Strategies

Safe and effective teething toys

List and describe specific teething toys that are safe and effective for puppies. Mention different types of toys for various stages of teething.

Natural remedies for teething discomfort

Share natural remedies and home-based solutions to alleviate your puppy’s teething discomfort, such as frozen treats or teething rings.

Training techniques to discourage destructive behavior

Provide training techniques and strategies to teach your puppy what they can and cannot chew. Emphasize positive reinforcement.


In conclusion, managing your puppy’s teething phase doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your shoes and furniture. By understanding the process, puppy-proofing your home, and employing effective teething solutions, you can ensure a happy, well-adjusted puppy and intact furniture. Remember, it’s all about patience and consistency on this journey with your furry companion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What age do puppies start teething?:

Provide a concise and accurate answer along with some context about the typical age range.

2. How long does the teething phase last?:

Explain the duration of the teething phase and how it can vary from one puppy to another.

3. Are certain breeds more prone to destructive teething?:

Discuss whether some dog breeds are more prone to destructive chewing during teething and why.

4. What if my puppy swallows something harmful?:

Offer guidance on what to do if a puppy swallows an object that may be harmful or obstructive.

5. Can I use human teething gels for my puppy?:

Explain the potential risks and benefits of using human teething gels on puppies, and recommend consulting a veterinarian.

6. How can I prevent my puppy from chewing on furniture?:

Provide practical tips and training techniques to prevent puppies from chewing on furniture and redirect their behavior.


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